MENA Speakers, Dubaï | Sortlist
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MENA Speakers

Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis
The Power of Words –  They can create world leaders and they can create global shapers. A mother’s gentle words, a teachers story or a strangers speech can sometimes echo so loud that it makes us alter our path. We at MENA Speakers believe in empowering, educating and entertaining our audience using strong and intelligent voices throughout society. Our main aim is to facilitate that interaction between speaker and different forums and to make sure that the right voice is matched to the right audience. If you are a knowledge trader, event manager, HR Manager or in a high-powered position and looking for training or coaching then trust that MENA Speakers will offer you the right solution for your needs. Our background comes from standing on stage and speaking to thousands and also from listening to thousands and we at MENA Speakers know a great speaker leaves you educated, engaged and empowered.
5 personnes dans leur équipe
Parle Anglais, Arabe, Coréen, Espagnol, Macédonien... Voir plus
Fondée en 2010
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1 services offerts par MENA Speakers

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    Compétences en Rédaction et traduction (1)

    En savoir plus sur Rédaction et traduction

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5 membres dans l'équipe de MENA Speakers

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Coordonnées de MENA Speakers


  • Siège socialSaba Tower 1 - Dubai - United Arab Emirates